Core Values
& Beliefs

Guided by kindness, progression, & craftsmanship

Core Values




We not only seize on opportunities for doing good, showing compassion, and being helpful, but also search for them. We strive to see the good in others and communicate in a way that edifies.

Think of Others

It’s not “just business.” We feel for and empathize with people as individuals, never dehumanizing them even when they are not acting with kindness.


We care about and value others and their opinions. We seek to speak with candor and courageously share the truth we feel and see. Genuine feedback is a catalyst for development.


We are mindful of how our individual actions and the results of our work directly impact other people, the company, and the families we serve.


Complacency is Devastating

We are never satisfied with the status quo. We are self-questioning and have never arrived.


We continually improve on our current capabilities and seek to create new ones.


We don’t have to be right all of the time. Through discourse, we are willing to change our minds. We seek honest feedback, growth, and learning from others.


We are knowledgeable and always learning within our areas of expertise. We care about and understand our core and strategy.



Whatever our role, we seek to be the best we can be. We test our ideas and value input from customers, colleagues, and experts as we create the highest quality products.


We work within the constraints we have and realize that craftsmanship is refined by challenge. Constraints unleash imagination which drive focus, momentum, and ingenious innovations.


We set the standard for performance because what we do gets results. As masters of our craft, we never settle for the superficial and always strive for substance.


We don’t just react to fix issues but strive to exceed expectations to create raving fans.



We believe in Precoa’s purpose, vision, mission and values. We want the company to succeed and we will sacrifice to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.


We take ownership over our responsibilities and find creative ways to overcome obstacles and challenges. We admit to and learn from our mistakes.

Hard Work

We work hard and are committed to finishing what we start. We have an innate drive to achieve. We don’t wait to be asked to fix problems; we take the initiative to make things better.


We are a winning team and are passionate about creating large-scale change. This passion drives our willingness to go the extra mile.



Through vulnerability we seek out and foster connections with others. We are willing to let go of who we think we should be in order to be who we authentically are.


We recognize there will always be problems and we are grateful for the opportunity to solve them together. Positivity builds unity, momentum, and creative solutions.


We are committed to inclusion and diversity. We seek to recognize and confront our own biases. We are unwilling to accept acts of racism, discrimination, and bigotry. Together, we are stronger.


We enjoy working with others and the work we do. We take the time to laugh, have fun, and enjoy the journey. We celebrate each other’s successes.

Problem Solving


Through sound reasoning, curiosity, and empathy we seek to deeply understand others and root causes.

Mutually Beneficial

We identify those who are impacted by our decisions and search for solutions that are helpful for all.


We sift through the complexities of important problems to seek for solutions that are thorough. We brainstorm many possible solutions and choose the optimal direction.

Common Sense

We are reasonable, use sound judgment, and don’t let process, red tape, or ambiguity force poor or slow decision making.



We encourage each other to inquire, clarify, contribute, and question. When a decision is made, we commit. We win together, we lose together.


We are a high performing, winning team that treats each other with love and respect. We give each other the benefit of the doubt. We understand moments of weakness and allow others to regain our trust.


We search for the strengths we each possess and leverage our combined competency for the good of others and the company. We keep commitments to our colleagues.


We demonstrate integrity in all we do and take time to clarify and communicate our intent.

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